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Available in the formats:
-Small - Weight: ±20-35 grams - Dimensions: ±10 x 3 cm
-Medium - Weight: ±45-60 grams - Dimensions: ±15 to 16 cm
-Large - Weight: ±75-90 grams - Dimensions: ±23x5 cm
-Extra Large: Weight ±115 grams - Dimensions: ± 23x5.5 cm

This White Sage grows in the wild in California and is harvested by hand. It is untreated and is only dried. About our White Sage smudges: Smudge (literally: smoldering fire), in sticks or bunches, is completely natural, ceremonial incense, which is burned by the original Indian peoples in America, for example in sweat lodges. Doctors, therapists and body workers are increasingly discovering the beneficial effects of these herbs. Bunches of smudge are used all over the world to reconnect with the power of Mother Nature.

The use of smoldering plants and resin may have originated from prehistoric campfires in caves. The ceremony of cleansing people, places and objects with smoke is still in vogue today. Not only good for repelling annoying flying insects, but the smoke from certain plants (smudge) also appeared to preserve food and skins. Certain types of smoke could also provide protection against invisible spirits and thoughts. To apply this protective and cleansing effect, leaves or resins were heated to make smoke, which was then stroked over the person or object, often with large feather fans. Some plants gave smoke that was used in healing, and others had more general powers.

The smudge smoke is made by placing dried plants or herbs on smoldering coals, or by lighting dried herbs in an earthenware bowl or large shell. White Sage is burned during ceremonies to exorcise evil spirits, negative thoughts or influences. The leaves are famous for their special scent, and they are used as a natural repellent against moths (in clothing) or mosquitoes (in a room).

White Sage can be used in countless ways. The American Indians in Central America cover the floors of their sweat lodges with it. They also breathe in through a small bunch of sage and sometimes rub it over their bodies when they sit in the sweat lodge. White Sage makes the evil spirits sick, they say. They are driven away with it when it is burned. Not so with the good spirits; they don't go away because of the smoke. Good spirits actually like sage.

Smudgestick: White sage (Salvia apiana)

PriceFrom €8.50
VAT Included
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