Withdrawal form
Only complete and return this form if you wish to withdraw from the agreement.
Can be submitted digitally via e-mail or by post.
Copypaste this text into your usual word processor on your PC/laptop
Eleoflora, in collaboration with nature
Vlagtwedderstraat 54
9545 TD Bourtange
I/We* hereby inform you that I/We* have terminated our agreement regarding the sale of the following products: [product designation]* the supply of the following digital content: [digital content designation]* the performance of the next service: [service designation]*, revocation/revocation*
Ordered on*/received on* [date of order for services or receipt for products]
Ordered on*/received on* [date of order for services or receipt for products]
[Name of consumer(s)]
[Consumer(s) address]
[Signature consumer(s)]
* Delete what is not applicable or fill in what is applicable.